An ongoing Service Design Coursework that aggregates company and candidates information to provide easy and instant matches.
An ongoing Service Design Coursework that aggregates company and candidates information to provide easy and instant matches.
1. Rich Picture
Adopting the Soft System Methodology, a rich picture is used to explore the existing job- finding process to identity pain points for both candidates and companies.
2. Bak-end Architecture
diagram that explores the back-end architecture of the system depicting data collection, data aggregation and processing with subsequent feedback loops to create a self-learning mechanism
Back-End Information Flow
Company Data Acquisition
Aggregated Data & Feedback Loops
The Matching Process
Welcome Screen
Profile Import Screen
Personal Preference Setting
Job Matching
Swipe to the left to decline while swiping to the right to save
Saved Jobs
The Application Tracker
Updating Progress Result
Updating New Stage
Profile Overview